6 great Twitter Communication strategies For newcomers – component 1

commentsIf you’re a chiropractor reading this, you can search locally https://direct.techinasia.com/sina-weibo-microblog-marketshare/ and find patients that need your services in a matter of seconds. Actively search out others and comment. Don’t just talk all of the time. One of the things that a regular Twitter user often tries to achieve is to get as many followers as possible. Many people go through methods that are against the rules of the site, so they end up getting banned. However, there is a technique that will help you get many followers which is within the rules of the microblogging site.

Aside from this, the fact that this technique is very simple and without cost makes it the best technique for those who are using this social networking site. If the status is not really time critical (e. g. you might be posting a joke or some sort of intriguing remark) then the most effective moment I have found to post status updates is weekday evenings. The most amount of people I have seen on facebook (looking at exactly who is on-line via facebook chat) has been Monday to Thursday evening.

Returning to the concept of Communication Manual, spoken with Maria Ripoll, who besides being the actual founding father of this particular project is independent communicator 2.0. Twitter is the must-be-on place right now on their internet. It actually trumps Google but getting “real time” date about literally ANYTHING that is happening in our society today. Twitter features a vast community of users. Bloggers can use this networking tool to do effective viral marketing. Suppose, you want to announce an upcoming content on your blog; you can make it go viral within a matter of minutes by sharing the information on Twitter.

As you post an update about the event, your followers get to know it and (if they find it valuable), they spread it among their followers. Sharing of information in real time in this way can really make it go viral, attracting large volumes of traffic to your blog. If you’d like, you can follow Mark Richt (@MarkRicht) and Pete Carroll (@PeteCarroll) on Twitter. Just don’t expect them to follow you back. The communication from both coaches has been mostly a one-way street, but for rabid fans of the sport, sometimes that’s all they need.